The Top Do's and Don'ts of Women's Concealed Carry: Best Practices for Safe Carrying
More than ever, women should feel encouraged to carry a concealed firearm to stay safe in modern society. However, even those who just got their concealed carry permit or have had one for a long time may feel nervous about carrying a firearm.
By following these recommended practices, you can safely, legally, and comfortably carry a firearm. Learn from the experts here at Nexbelt and find out how to conceal carry as a woman.
Do: Have Proper Carrying Equipment and Clothing
It is vital that your holster is a proper fit for your firearm. Improper holsters that do not fit your firearm greatly increase the risk of an accidental discharge. In addition, a poor-fitting holster leaves your firearm exposed, which can make it easier for you to damage or even lose your firearm.
You may also want to consider other attire designed with concealed carry in mind. This may include gun belts, which are durable-yet-comfortable belts designed specifically for carrying firearms. In addition, gun belts allow you to maintain control over the firearm at all times, unlike carrying a firearm in a purse, backpack or elsewhere away from your body.
Don't: Take Your Firearm Where You're Not allowed To
Concealed carry laws vary state to state, including the areas where you're allowed to carry a firearm on your person. However, there are certain areas where carrying firearms are totally prohibited unless you are an on-duty law enforcement officer or military servicemember. Do not take your firearm into the following areas:
- Schools
- Airports
- Post Offices
- Court Houses
- State Designated Prohibition Zones
Do: Carry Your Permit and Other Identification at All Times
If you are carrying a firearm, it is vital you carry your concealed carry permit as well. Put it in your wallet, your phone case or somewhere else secure on your person where you can't lose it.
We also recommend that you carry another form of ID on you, such as a driver's license. Having a secondary form of ID can make it easier to match your concealed carry permit to you if law enforcement needs to verify your identity.
Don't: Take Out Your Firearm Unless Necessary
In general, you want to keep your firearm concealed and strapped in its holster unless you intend to use your firearm. Avoid having to make adjustments to your firearm or your holster as much as possible. If there is a problem with your carry setup, try to find a private place to make adjustments. This may include a bathroom stall, your car or an empty room.
Do: Take Classes and Get Comfortable with Your Firearm
Practice makes perfect, and the same is true of safely carrying a concealed firearm. Even in states that don't require it, we highly recommend taking at least one firearm handling course per year. In addition, we would also recommend hitting the range to practice firing, and to take some time at home getting used to the weight and feel of wearing a concealed firearm.
The more time you spend handling and wearing your concealed firearm, the less nervous you'll be when you go out in public with it. Ready to get started on your concealed carry setup? Then check out our selection of EDC gun belts designed with women in mind. For a dependable, fashionable and supportive gun belt; try our women's concealed carry gun belts.
Important: This guide is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.