Top 9 Women's Concealed Carry Options
As female firearm ownership continues to surge, millions of women around the world want to know the best way for women to conceal carry.
In fact, research data demonstrates that 42 percent of American gun owners are women, and 3.5 million purchased their first firearm between January 2019 and April 2021, a 15 percent increase over the previous five years. More than 25 percent reportedly bought their first pistol because of self-defense concerns, which means more women than ever are looking for everyday concealed carry options.
Are you brand new to concealed carry firearms and need help finding the right fit? Clothing, accessories, activities, and body form all affect how women can carry concealed. It is also important to note that concealed carry for a woman is drastically different than the way a male would conceal carry.
To make informed decisions about a firearm, accessory, or comfortable method of carry, consider the helpful tips and advice in the following guide designed specifically for women by our EDC and CCW experts at Nexbelt:
There are a variety of concealed carry styles for women, depending on their wardrobe and wish for accessibility to defend in situations. There are women-specific options like the thigh holster, bra bolster and handbags designed for concealed carry. Understanding the best way for women to conceal carry begins with accessibility and wardrobe.
It's not uncommon for some people to think the best way for women to conceal carry is by sticking a small-caliber weapon in their purses. Hollywood movies may tout this as a stylish way to conceal carry.
The issue of handbag carry is of quick accessibility in a surprise situation, and one must be most vigilant about not leaving the purse by itself. We also recommend leaving your pistol in a holster in your handbag to protect both your firearm and other objects from banging and scuffing each other
There are different versions of this style from low carry to carrying on the side of the breast like shoulder carry. The drawback to this style is the economy of motion to access the firearm. Additionally, some bras are simply not meant with concealed carry in mind, so make sure you try it at home first before you go out in public with this style. You may also want to look for EDC specific women's concealed carry bras.
This works well when a woman is wearing a loose dress or skirt. However, also suggest avoiding a tight skirt or dress which will pin the firearm. You will also want to pay attention to skirt length, or your concealed carry may end up becoming an open carry instead if your skirt is too short.
Products that position a pistol along the rib cage can accommodate gun owners who are not inclined to strap on a waist holster. Although some holsters may feel cumbersome, this position conceals well under jackets. The key is you must always wear a jacket or similar apparel to properly conceal your firearm. Also, try to shop concealed holsters for women for an even better fit.
Also short for OWB, this concealed carry style requires heavy duty. Carrying a firearm outside the waistband remains the most obvious and longest-standing method.
However, the holsters made famous in Hollywood westerns are considered "open carry" and need to be converted. This position can be converted to concealed carry by using smaller holsters, strapped tightly to a belt with a short-barreled gun.
Hanging a hoodie, jacket or sweatshirt outside the waistband position can effectively conceal the firearm. The upside of this position revolves around easy access when standing. Some of the negatives involve limited concealment, which can include your firearm sticking out or protruding against your outfit.
Also known as IWB, inside the waistband requires a high-quality or stretch band and is ranked among the most popular women's concealed carry methods. An inside-the-waistband holster can be positioned anywhere along the beltline.
The proven benefits revolve around excellent concealment, no need for baggier clothing, and increased security of your firearm. However, retrieving the firearm can be more difficult and may require two hands and additional training.
This position requires a belt and can be done either inside or outside the waistband, depending on personal preference and holster design. Although it's more challenging to retrieve a gun from under a dress, the small of the back often proves comfortable, and the inside waistband method provides great concealability.
Commonly referred to as the "Appendix Carry" position, the frontal position requires a gun belt as well. This style places the firearm along the abdominals and offers great concealment and excellent ease of retrieval. This location of carry also provides good retention of the firearm as an individual can control what is in front of them easier than what is to the side or behind them.

Putting a loose firearm in your pocket is generally unsafe unless you utilize a holster specifically designed for this purpose. Although a small firearm can be deftly hidden in this position, many appear visible through pant legs. Other pocket objects such as keys, gum, ChapStick, or lint can cause problems when it comes time to use the firearm in a defensive manner.
Take a moment to consider where you feel most comfortable carrying a firearm. Think through casual clothing, office attire, and routine activities you engage in daily. Comfort and the ability to effectively retrieve a pistol are reasonable factors to work through before deciding.
In fact, it may be the case that you want to use different positions during a typical week. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, muscle memory helps with speed and practice will help you find the best positions for your body. If you can utilize the same general firearm positions every time you go out, you will prevent an extra step in your thought process of trying to remember where your firearm is located that day. This in turn will likely help you be faster on your draw.
A woman's wardrobe varies considerably more than a man's, so be prepared to holster in how you are dressed. However, most concealed carry enthusiasts select waistband positioning due to comfort, concealability, and ease of retrieval. What some fail to realize before investing in a good holster is that the belt plays a significant role. First-time gun owners often find out the hard way that department store belts are not designed to keep holsters in place or handle a pistol's weight, especially during times of movement.
A reliable belt that is up to the task is a much-needed piece of equipment when carrying concealed. After identifying your preferred position, the best way for women to conceal carry is to buy the right belt.
The hot-trending belt for women's concealed carry continues to be the Nexbelt line of Ratchet EDC belts. Designed to seamlessly manage each waist carry position, the sturdy and stylish no-pin belts employ a buckle to handle even the toughest environments. The Nexbelt line remains a leading choice in concealed carry belts for women.
Ready to buy an EDC belt, or need help selecting the right one for your firearm? Contact us today if you have any questions, and we'll do our best to help you with your concealed carry kit when you shop with us here at Nexbelt.